COVID-19 Pandemic: Implication on Security of Lives and Properties
Corona Virus Pandemic, also known as COVID-19 is a global health challenge described by historians and medical experts as being worst than World War II. It has so far killed over 90,000 and infected over 1.5 m people globally. It is reported to have originated from the “wet market” or live animal market in Wuhan, China.
It has crumbled the world economies and created millions of job losses worldwide with effects of flattening the rising infection and death curve defying all solutions so far.
According to Deloitte, Covid 19 could effect on the global economy in 3 main ways:
- by directly affecting production,
- by creating supply and market disruption and
- by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.
In times like this, it’s of paramount importance to take adequate security measures to counter security challenges that may come with it. Ciliathec Guards has deem it fit to increase their level of surveilance and security personnel to curb any security menace as a result of the lock down.
In the light of the above therefore, it has become imperative that corporate organizations, firms, government agencies, embassies and diplomatic missions are also conscious of threats of burglary and thefts to their assets and properties as almost all personnel are unable to go to work now. This will require that extra security measures are evolved and implemented. Such measures which will come with increased costs, ranging from deployment of additional private security guards to CCTV installation with remote viewing features.
We therefore wish to recommend that leadership of these organizations should quickly re-assess the security peculiarities of their business premises with a view to coming up with new measures to strengthen their security systems. This assessment can be tactically and professionally done by licensed private security guards’ companies with the right professional skills and competencies.
We use this opportunity to advice all to follow the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Health and NCDC towards ensuring we are safe and healthy on:
- Social distancing,
- Washing of hands or use of alcohol-based sanitizers
- Staying at home for the officially designated period.
The Management.
So impressive. Ciliathec Guard is no doubt rising to the occasion in this period of great need for security services.