About CGL

 CILIATHEC GUARDS LTD (CGL), registered at the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria on the 10th July, 2018 is a company created to offer security services and consultancy in line with relevant laws of Nigeria deploying global contemporary best practices and expertise in all areas of her service delivery with a focus on not just the Nigerian market but both the West and entire African sub-region and continent respectively.

Our management and promoters have varying experience in security sector, accounting, project management, value chain development and emerging markets will no doubt add unprecedented value to the quality and efficiency of service delivery to our esteemed clients and ultimately the economies of our host communities, states and countries thus complimenting the efforts of the security agencies.

We utilizes a range of price policy types to engage and market her services to our clients. While some products and services have flexible policies, others adopt price lining to multiple unit pricing.

A detailed proposal is usually sent to our prospective clients after a rapid risk assessment of the location to be manned by our guards, following which a professional recommendation on the number of guards is made and accompanying prices via a detailed proposal.

Our Values

  • Excellent Services to our customer base;

  • Innovation as a competitive driving force to achieve and attain a sustainable competitive advantage;

  • Extraordinary Service – Customer service and pro-active responses;

  • Continuous professional development for management and employees;

  • Everyone who comes in contact with us.

  • Integrity and commitment to agreements and partnerships.

  • Social interventions in our immediate communities.

Our Vision

To be the foremost security services company in the world deploying the highest technology and professionalism for service delivery to our esteemed clients thus contributing to safer societies and well being of the citizenry.


Our Mission

To be able to provide our customers with superior services and products centered on innovative best contemporary solutions in the security sector through high-quality standards and professionalism, driven by contemporary best innovations in the sector.
Geographical Jurisdiction

To achieve our vision and mission, the company will consciously create offices across Africa, commencing with Nigeria where state and regional offices will be operationalized by highly professional personnel for which management activities will be routinely synchronized by direct reporting and interactive web site to our coordination units in Abuja and Makurdi, Benue state.


Our Pricing Policy

  • CILIATHEC GUARDS LTD-CGL utilizes a range of price policy types to engage and market her services to our clients. While some products and services have exible policies, others adopt price lining to multiple unit pricing.

    A detailed proposal is usually sent to our prospective clients after a rapid risk assessment of the location to be manned by our guards, following which a professional recommendation on the number of guards is made and accompanying prices via a detailed proposal.

HSE Policy

CILIATHEC GAURDS LTD-CGL believes that it is possible to run all operations with minimal injuries or damage to equipment or the environment:

Our goal is to protect our people , the public, our property and the environment in which they work and live. It is a commitment that is in the best interests of our customers, our employees and all other stakeholders.


HSE Policy..

We will comply with all applicable laws and relevant industry standards of practice;

We will continuously evaluate the Health, Safety and Environmental aspects of our equipment and services;

We believe that effective HSE Management is good business and we are committed to the continuous improvement of our HSE Management practices; and

From Apex Management through to Entry Level, everyone is responsible and accountable for HSE.

HSE Policy...

We undertake relevant insurance policies for our employees including the Nigeria social Insurance Trust Fund

We undertake relevant NHIS policies for our staff even as we partner reputable health facilities for treatment of our personnel we aim to foster an HSE performance we can be proud of, to earn the condence of our customers, stakeholders and society-at-large, and to enable us sustain growth and development.


CILIATHEC GUARDS LTD-CGL has a comprehensive range of services in an effort to meet the customer’s specific needs in a timely and cost-effective manner. Our products and services are designed around our core management expertise of special protection, consulting, advisory services among others, drawing from our deep knowledge of the industrial, private and government sectors.

We provide excellent services in the following areas:

  • ExecutiveProtection/Hostage Negotiation&Release
  • Discrete Bodyguard Service | HighProfile Individuals
    Bodyguard Service
  • Residential ProtectionDetails | Corporate Protection Details | Uniformed Security
     Healthcare Facilities
  • Colleges & Universities
    Schools & Research Facilities
  • Sea and Airport security
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Government and public Facilities | Farms
  • Corporate Buildings


CILIATHEC GUARDS LTD-CGL has lease /partnership arrangement with Swem Karagbe Club Abuja for use of its state of the arts hall located on a 4000 square meters land in Abuja for training and drilling purposes.

Also, our ofces in Abuja and Makurdi, Benue state are equipped with the best working tools like laptops, projectors, printers, photocopiers, etc and necessary security gadgets and equipment for both work and training activities.

Our statutory relationship with the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) is at all times high.

We also have good relationship with both serving and retired personnel of the all the security agencies in Nigeria. This enables us to expose our employees to a wide range of experiences during trainings.